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Aug 30


Vertical gardening is a garden in which the plants are supported to grow along vertical, a vertical surface growing plants on often tiered surfaces, especially fences, posts, trellises, and walls, rather than growing the plants on the ground.

There are several categories into which vertical gardens can be divided, such as hanging gardens, tower gardens, and green walls. Every variety possesses distinct attributes and demands careful thought while choosing, designing, and caring for plants. The success of vertical gardens depends on the careful selection of appropriate plant species. To promote optimal plant growth, factors including light and watering requirements need to be considered.

In this blog post, we will be talking about 10 top plants including outdoor and indoor plants for vertical garden designing.

1. Pantanas plant

Pantanas plant is an ornamental houseplant with glossy foliage, striped in yellow and green.

It is an air-purifying indoor plant. A popular, easy-to-grow variety, Song of India has reed-like leaves, edged and streaked in soft gold.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – Pantanas plant prefers bright, indirect light. Put them near north or east-facing windows. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, and low light can cause the plant to turn spindly and lose its vibrancy.

Watering method – Do not require a lot of water and are happiest when their soil is kept slightly moist but do never be careless for watering it. It is recommended to water your pantanas plant once a week or every other week. Allow the soil to dry between waterings.

Temperature – Keep your plant in a place with normal temperatures between 65°celsius to 85°celsius (65–75 °F) and avoid placing it near a draft.

2. Ixora Dwarf plant

The Dwarf Ixora plant is a beautiful plant that makes a beautiful addition to any yard or garden.

It is a genus of flowering plants and is the most colourful and flowering plants on the market. Most will grow in sun or shade and have flowers in massed heads throughout the year.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – When your Ixora Dwarf plant they receive 8–10 hours of direct to indirect light each day, they are at their happiest. During the intense summer months, keep your plants out of the afternoon sun to prevent leaf burn but it can tolerate partial light

Watering method – You can water your Ixora dwarf every 2–4 days, depending on the season and how much sun it gets. In the summer, you can water it once or twice a day. In the winter, you can water it once or twice a week.

Temperature – The average temperature should be 25-35 Degree Celsius for your Ixora dwarf plant.

3. Lollipop plant

Lollipop plant is more than a mere houseplant; it’s a symbol of endurance.

Thriving in environments that would challenge other species, it exemplifies the art of survival.

The ability of Lollipop plant to adapt to varying conditions speaks to its resilience, mirroring our own potential to weather life’s tempest.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – The lollipop plant does not like shade, but it can tolerate some amount of shade. The plant is a plant which likes filtered sunlight so ensure the plant receives indirect sunlight for about 4 to 6 hours a day.

Watering method – Lollipop plant appreciates regular watering to maintain evenly moist soil, but take care not to overwater, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot. Keep the soil consistently humid but not much. Water your lollipop plants every 9 days when it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

Temperature – The Lollipop Plants prefer warm temperatures and the ideal temperature that the plant likes is between 18 to 24°C.

4. Aboli plant

Aboli plant is a flower plant.

Aboli means silent and it is indeed peaceful silence plant.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – Keep them in bright sunlight but also where they get a little cover from the harsh afternoon sun.

Watering method – Water your plant moderately on alternating days during the growing season. Water your plant 3-4 times a week. Allow the soil to dry before the next watering.

Temperature – Aboli flower plant is very heat-tolerant and cold-sensitive. If the temperature goes below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, the plant can experience damage to its leaves or the top growth.

5. Jade plant

Jade plant is an easy-to-grow succulent that stores water in its leaves, stems, and roots.

It is a popular good luck charm in Asia thought to activate financial energies.

Jade presence in the house or office is considered auspicious.

This beautiful succulent plant has vibrant green leaves that are symbolic of growth and renewal, closely resembling jade coins, symbolic of wealth and prosperity.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – Keep your jade plant in bright light for at least six hours per day. While mature plants can handle direct sunlight, younger plants require a bright space that’s free of direct rays. Without proper sunlight, your jade plant will stop growing, or it’ll grow tall and leggy

Watering method – Jade plant hold water in their leaves, so they don’t do well when sitting in constantly moist soil, so let the top 1 to 2 inches of soil dry out between waterings. This probably mean watering once every 2 to 3 weeks, but be sure to check regularly

Temperature – Jade plant is not tolerant of extremely cold temperatures. It thrives best when the temperature is between 20°C and 38°C. During winter, it should be kept above 0°C. When the temperature falls below -5°C, the leaves will exhibit water-soaked breakdown and wilting.

6. Philodendron plants


Philodendron plants are climbing plant with leaves that are usually green and heart shaped.

The Philodendron plants are a classic symbol of nature, growth, and renewal.

With their romantic, heart-shaped leaves, philodendrons can also represent the notion of appreciation and love, as well as kindness and openness.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – Philodendron plants require medium to bright indirect sunlight. If your place is low light, the plant will certainly be able to live in that condition, but the growth will be slow

Watering method – Watering your philodendron once a week is enjoyable. However, to avoid overwatering and root rot, let the soil dry fully between waterings. Water your philodendron less frequently in the winter and make sure it dries out completely.

Temperature – The Philodendron will function best at a temperature between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius.

7. Spider Plant

The Spider Plants embrace charm to purify air, boost mood, and invite luck into your living space. it Symbolizes prosperity and good luck, enhancing home energy.

Beyond its practical benefits, the Spider Plant carries a symbolic weight.

Its relentless purification process mirrors a ritual cleansing, purging negative vibes and rejuvenating the energy of a room. It’s like having a living, breathing filter that also moonlights.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – A spider plant likes bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it has the potential to scorch the leaves. Spider plants will grow in low light, but they’ll grow slowly and may not produce plantlets.

Watering method – You can water your spider plant while you water the rest of your houseplants. Spider plants do not require additional watering or much special attention to their moisture levels. So, water your spider plant about once a week but letting the soil dry out a little between waterings.

Temperature – Spider plant prefers temperatures around 24-27℃ (75-80℉) during the day and 16-21℃ (60-70℉) at night, with high humidity. During winter, it can tolerate temperatures around 10-13℃ (50-55℉) but avoid temperatures below 7℃ (45℉).

8. Fern plants

Ferns are plants that do not have flowers. Like flowering plants, ferns have roots, stems and leaves.

People believe that the fern represents new life and new beginnings.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – Fern plant benefits from bright, indirect light during fall and winter. But it is ideal to keep your fern plants in a location where it gets at least two hours of indirect sunlight per day, preferably in the morning or late afternoon.

Watering method – Water your fern when the surface of the soil feels dry. Every day or once every two days is probably.

Temperature – For your fern plant a minimum daytime temperature of about 19 degrees Celsius is recommended and a minimum nighttime temperature of about 13 degrees Celsius.

9. Variegated Scindapsus

Scindapsus Variegated is a highly sought-after houseplant that is well-known for its variegated jade green leaves.

It is not just a pretty face; it’s a powerhouse for air purification.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – Scindapsus Variegated prefers indirect sunlight. Any room with a bright window will do and stay 3 to 6 feet away from the nearest light source.

Watering method – The Scindapsus Variegated is one of the easiest plants to keep alive. It only needs a little water every 1-2 weeks to be happy and healthy. Keep the soil almost completely dry before watering next.

Temperature – Scindapsus Variegated ideal growth temperature ranges from 65-85ºF. Lower temperatures can cause cold damage to the plant and even kill it. Ensure that you don’t expose your plant to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) and keep it away from drafty windows.

10. Tradescantia plant

Tradescantia plants symbolize resilience and growth, reflecting personal renewal. Purifies indoor air, enhancing your living space.

Plant Care:

Lighting condition – Tradescantia plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate some direct sun but too much can scorch their leaves.

Watering method – Water your plant once about half the soil has dried out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. During the summer months, you may need to water your plant more frequently than during the Winter months.

Temperature – The ideal temperature range for tradescantia plants is 60–75°F (15–24°C). Keep your plant away from drafty windows, doors, air conditioners, and heaters because these places might promote leaf loss due to abrupt temperature drops and shifting drafts.


  1. admin
    July 21, 2021

    This is exactly what i was looking for, thank you so much for these tutorials

    • Joe Doe
      July 21, 2021

      It would be great to try this theme for my businesses

  2. Joe Doe
    July 21, 2021

    This is exactly what i was looking for, thank you so much for these tutorials

    • Mike
      July 21, 2021

      It would be great to try this theme for my businesses


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