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Apr 08

The Best Indoor Plants to Gift for Any Occasion

Giving indoor plants to someone as gifts is popular and trendy nowadays. It is a caring and thoughtful choice for any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, housewarming, or any special occasion gifting Indoor plants as a gift make a heartfelt gesture. They not only add a more aesthetic look to a room, but they also have many health benefits.

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best indoor plants to gift and offer considerations when choosing the perfect plant for someone.

But before that, Why Gift Indoor Plants?

There are various reasons why anyone should choose Indoor Plants as a gift:

  • Health Benefits: Indoor plants improve the air quality inside a room by purifying toxins and releasing oxygen, which will ultimately lead to a better health and increased focus.
  • Reducing Stress: The presence of greenery around us helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels, leading to a sense of calm and well-being.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Plants add a touch of nature and beauty to any space, enhancing home or office decor.
  • Longevity: Unlike flowers in a vase, indoor plants can last for years with a proper care, reminding of the giver.
  • Personal Touch: When you choose a specific plant, it will reflect thoughtfulness and a personal connection, showing your tastes and preferences.

The Best Indoor Plants to Gift

1. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

  • It is a flowering plant which produces elegant white flowers which adds a touch of grace and tranquillity to any space.
  • This is also a low maintenance and hardy nature plant which is why it is ideal for beginners.
  • It requires low to moderate indirect light and very little water to grow.
  • Care Tips: Prefers low to moderate light and regular watering.

2. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

  • Pothos has a versatile growth which is, it can be grown as a trailing vine or supported to grow upwards.
  • This can be easily propagated from cuttings which makes it great for sharing with others.
  • It acts as an air purifier for being effective at removing indoor pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene.
  • It can trail up to 10 feet or more and is also known as Devil’s Ivy.
  • Care Tips: Adapts well to low light and infrequent watering.

3.Aglaonema Beauty

  • Aglaonema Beauty has attractive leaves with varied patterns and colours, ranging from green to silver and red.
  • This plant is ideal for beginners due to its hardy nature and tolerance of low light.
  • This plant grows up to 2-3 feet tall and is also known as Chinese Evergreen.

Care Tips: Use well-draining potting mix and mist occasionally or place near a humidifier

4. Bamboo Palm

  • Bamboo Palm has feathery, arching fronds that provide a lush, tropical look.
  • This plant is effective at removing indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene.
  • This plant grows up to 4-12 feet tall and is also known as Reed Palm.
  • Care Tips: Use a well-draining potting mix and mist regularly.

5. Orchids (Phalaenopsis)

  • Orchids are elegant flowers which are known for their long-lasting and beautiful blooms in various colours.
  • These often grows on other plants or in a special orchid potting mix.
  • These are typically 1-3 feet tall and are also known as Moth Orchid.

Care Tips: Needs bright, indirect light and regular watering with well-draining soil.

6.Monstera Deliciosa

  • Monstera Deliciosa has distinctive leaves which are large and perforated that create a tropical look.
  • Due to its leaves, it is also known as Swiss Cheese Plant, Split-Leaf Philodendron
  • This plant is known for its rapid growth under the right conditions.
  • With proper care these can grow up to 8-10 feet indoors.
  • Care Tips: Require bright light and regular watering.

7. Echeveria

  • Echeveria is known for its symmetrical and rosette-like formation.
  • These comes in a wide range of colours and shapes.
  • These comes Succulent family, stores water in its thick, fleshy leaves, making it drought tolerant.
  • These typically grow up to 6-12 inches tall and wide.
  • Care Tips: Use a well-draining succulent or cactus mix and ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent root rot.

8. Ficus Bonsai

  • Ficus Bonsai is a beautiful miniature tree with a natural and artistic shape.
  • This is one of the most popular indoor bonsai species and acts as an air purifier to improve indoor air quality.
  • This typically grow up to 1-3 feet tall when cultivated as bonsai and is also known as Weeping Fig Bonsai.
  • Care Tips: Regular trimming helps to maintain its shape and size.

9. Calathea

  • Calathea is known for its striking, patterned leaves that come in various colours.
  • The leaves of this plant fold up at night and open during the day, resembling hands in prayer.
  • This grows up to 1-3 feet tall and is also known as Prayer plant.

Care Tips: Use a well-draining potting mix and use a humidifier or mist regularly

10. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

  • As the name suggests, it is stiff in nature with upright leaves and has distinctive green banding.
  • This plant has very low maintenance like every other man. It is extremely tolerant of neglect, low light, and irregular watering.
  • It is generally 2-4 feet tall and is also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue.
  • It removes impurities such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from air.
  • The snake plant is perfect for beginners and busy individuals.
  • Care Tips: Thrives in low light and requires minimal watering.

Considerations When Choosing a Plant to Gift Someone

There are things you should consider when selecting an indoor plant as a gift:

  • Recipient’s Lifestyle: You should know whether the person has the time and interest to care for plants. For people with busy lifestyle low-maintenance plants are ideal gift.


  • Living Space: Consider how big is the person’s living space. Smaller plants are suitable for small living space like apartments, while larger plants are suitable for more spacious homes.


  • Allergies and Pets: If the person has pets or allergies, ensure the plant is non-toxic. Some plants can be harmful to animals or can trigger allergic reactions.


  • Lighting Conditions: Check if there is natural light available in the person’s home. Some plants survive in low light, while others need bright, indirect sunlight.


  • Personal Preferences: Consider the person’s style and preferences. Do they prefer flowers, foliage, or something unique?

But you don’t need to be worried. We got you covered, get to choose from a wide range of plants at


Indoor plants are more than just gifts; they are tokens of health, beauty, and lasting memories. When choosing an indoor plant to gift a person you care about, consider various factors to ensure it’s a perfect fit. Whether for a special occasion or any small occasion, gifting indoor plants is a very thoughtful and meaningful gesture which can brighten up anyone’s day. So, next time you’re looking for a gift, think green and choose!


  1. admin
    April 18, 2021

    This is exactly what i was looking for, thank you so much for these tutorials

    • Mike
      April 18, 2021

      It would be great to try this theme for my businesses

  2. Elicia
    April 18, 2021

    What a nice article. It keeps me reading more and more!


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